Uncountable Deaths r radioblogclub / quicktime player here. =)
Name: chanqjie
Age: 18yrs old
Bdae: 17june




Music Playlist at MixPod.com

July 2009

designer: x
Music : Mixpod

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

23 July / Thursday, July 23, 2009
Today is Thursday. tml is the submmition of all of the assignment. I have done my audio finally. Hope that to all people who hear my podcast would be interested to join the SLACKERS.. Today we are chased out from the computer lab by the lecturer.. So we wait for his lesson to be over, so we could continue with our works. I went library with my classmate and help them with their videos first. And then around 6.30 pm i went back to the lab to do some touch up. From this dmfun lesson, i have improve my skills in photoshop. And also most importantly have fun. If there is a chance, i would like to take dmfun again^^ Hope that tml's presentation will go smoothly~ all the best!

http://tinyurl.com/lhazel Audio podcast

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7:51 AM


I can smell freedom nearer.. I am happy today. Because i finished my slacker's video, credit to Jane. (: I stay back late in school to complete it. Finally the last assignment. Audio is left.. Going to finish it tml! Thanks to all my friends that helped mi in one way or another. All come and see my facebook group photo! Hope that u all could finish it on time too. :p

http://tinyurl.com/ldpooe Slacker video~

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7:48 AM


Today is the last formal lesson of this block. I feel excited and at the same time stressed.. Because there is not much time left to catch up with my assignments.. I start to work on my video today. Because video is more fun than audio.. This is my opinion. So leave audio till tml. Today i also learn how to use softwares to edit my own video. Its fun!

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7:43 AM


The end of the block is coming soon. Going to start doing my assignments! The audio podcast and video haven done yet.. I can feel the stress now~ Thank you yoke for teaching us how to use the different softwares^^ Hope can start to do my video by tml. All the best!

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7:35 AM


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5:09 AM


16 July / Friday, July 17, 2009
Today we did something special. We went for a field trip at 8Q. We were late for 1 hour because some of my friends came lata, so i waited for them. And we lost our way while walking.. As a result,the tour guide left.. So we need to explore the museum ourselves. It is fun and interesting because we felt that we have more freedom in this way. I saw a lot of displays down there. After 2 hours or so. We went out of 8Q and celebrate yong hong's birthday. It was a successful celebration. (:

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10:01 PM


It is a fun day today. We did recording of voice in class. Some of my friends sing songs with mic.. It is interesting, as i get to hear how they sing.. I also did some editing of my sound in class. Today's lesson is short and sweet. (: assignments are coming soon..

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9:55 PM
